Hey Mary! You had a super interesting blog post. I loved how you incorporated the learning theories learnt in class into your personal experiences. Being able to see real life examples definitely build a greater understanding…quite the constructive approach from you. Im glad that you mentioned co-op opportunities, because I have also heard from friends and family that their co-op term was much more useful than any lecture they have attended. This says a lot about how beneficial constructive learning can be. Without a doubt, cognitive learning can be great too. I also find myself challenging ideas and concepts to build a greater understanding while learning. It’s cool to know where that comes from now. I am, although, curious if you have had any experience with behavioural learning?
Blog post 1 exploring neuroplasticity through the backwards-brain bike
Great blog post, Sam! I’m happy you chose to write it on this video because I also found this experiment particularly interesting. The video was also incredibly entertaining. I’ve always heard people tell me that kids are able to learn language much easier than adults. And this video explained “why” very efficiently. Your blog post made the concept of neuroplasiticy even more clear. Although, it does make me a bit sad that my brain is stiffening as I grow up. I may have to learn some more languages while I can! Or…maybe how to ride a bike backwards. Wait no, cause then I wont be able to ride a normal bike anymore! It found it even more interesting that his mind had replaced the skill of riding a bicycle, instead of simply creating an additional skill set. It’s crazy that we would “replace” these skill sets. I am curious if this would have the same effect on his child?